
Thursday, March 24, 2011

Oh Man!! Less than 4 weeks!!

Well, my hike is coming up soon, and I am ready. I think. I mean how can anyone really be ready? It is not a "normal " thing for a person to want to hike 2,600 miles. However, it is the only normal I know and want to know. Thru hiking is a wonderful thing. I have only thru hiked the Colorado Trail twice, a Trail that is much shorter, and I have no idea the challenges and wonders a bigger thru hike like the PCT brings, but I do know one thing. I am so excited to start and even more excited to meet the person I will become after and if I complete this thru hike. I am ready for this section in my life and I am worried, but that only makes me want it even more. I am going to start hiking on the 21st of April. I pray that the snow in the sierras will begin to melt some so that I may trek through it, that my legs wont fall off, that the snakes, spiders,rats, and scorpions in the desert find new homes while I am trekking in the Movae :) Yes, I am a very strong, athletic and outdoor focused girl, but I hate spiders,snakes and scorpions. Oh man do they freak me out! Anyways, this next month will go by very fast and I intend on focusing on keeping my body strong and healthy, playing with my best friend Nauk dog, and preparing my head as much as I can. My dad will be dropping me at the Mexican/California Border on April 21st and from there I will be headed to British Columbia..

Thursday, March 10, 2011


As March gets under way, it comes to my realization that in just six weeks, I will be starting my journey on the PCT, 2,600 miles from Mexico to Canada! My head is filled with so many things: Will my best friend, Nanuk Dog be okay? Will I be able to complete this thru hike despite all of my health issues working against me? Will I get bit by a snake or run out of water in the desert? What if I get lost? What if something happens and I am on the Trail? What if my boyfriend decided he does not want me? I know I am not in control of any of these things,but the overwhleming and anxious feelings I have do concern me a bit. I know myself very well, and I know that I am capable of doing this! I will plan to hike at a more moderate pace than other hikers, in effort to not wear down my body so much. Although I have my worries, I am getting excited, very excited, planning all of the trip, reading the guide books, finding and putting together all of my gear, and most importantly trying to get my head in the right place.After all my legs will only follow what my brain says, so it is vital that I am mentally strong.